Help to navigate site
Hi nice to meet everyone however I’m finding this site incredibly complicated to navigate! Maybe it’s my age not sure but unless anyone can help I’m going to have to leave . If so how do you delete your account? Thanks
There are several documents for newcomers in the channel #Tips4UGuys. You might check there. Or just ask anyone in a channel a question. Most are happy to help.
I really agree. How do you find that channel?
@NotTooOld said in Help to navigate site:
I really agree. How do you find that channel?
You enter the main chat at You can see the largest or more popular channels by typing
,w notlistJust type #Tips4UGuys on the message line and look at the links in the topic,. You'll find some general tips on navigating.
And if you have a question, you can ask anyone to help. Just tell them you're new. The moderators are listed at the top of the Member list, but there are a lot of very friendly people who know how to get around also. Good luck.
Hello guys, i am new to the chat and i obviously have all the credentials to log in. Although when i put all the required things like: name, age, location, gender etc. there is always a small text on the top saying “disabled white label” while whatever i try to set as gender the box is still brighter then the others and i cannot enter the chat. What is the solution for this? Also what is the channel i should start with?
Thank you
@The-Achilles said in Help to navigate site:
Hello guys, i am new to the chat and i obviously have all the credentials to log in. Although when i put all the required things like: name, age, location, gender etc. there is always a small text on the top saying “disabled white label” while whatever i try to set as gender the box is still brighter then the others and i cannot enter the chat. What is the solution for this? Also what is the channel i should start with?
Thank you
You don't need login credentials exactly to login at Don't check the box for password, just enter a nickname, Age, Gender and Location or other info on what you are interested in at the prompts. It should default to taking you to #lewd which is the main channel
@casey can someone help
Me out please